Daily report for June 2018
Averages\Extremes for day :01

 Average temperature     = 17.9°C
 Average humidity        = 87%
 Average dewpoint        = 15.6°C
 Average barometer       = 1018.5 mb
 Average windspeed       = 1.0 mph
 Average gustspeed       = 2.5 mph
 Average direction       = 280° ( W )
 Rainfall for month      = 0.3 mm
 Rainfall for year       = 325.8 mm
 Rainfall for day        = 0.3 mm
 Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 01 at time 06:14
 Maximum temperature     = 22.2°C on day 01 at time 15:18
 Minimum temperature     = 14.4°C on day 01 at time 06:34
 Maximum humidity        = 98% on day 01 at time 08:35
 Minimum humidity        = 70% on day 01 at time 13:23
 Maximum dewpoint        = 17.2°C on day 01 at time 15:15
 Minimum dewpoint        = 14.1°C on day 01 at time 6:34
 Maximum pressure        = 1019.6 mb on day 01 at time 22:48
 Minimum pressure        = 1017.0 mb on day 01 at time 01:47
 Maximum windspeed       = 5 mph on day 01 at time 15:00
 Maximum gust speed      = 7 mph  from 182 °( S ) on day 01 at time 18:03
 Daily wind run          = 024.1miles
 Maximum heat index      = 23.5°C on day 01 at time 13:23

Click here for todays 24 hour graph  :1  :6  :2018

Averages\Extremes for day :02 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 18.3°C Average humidity = 77% Average dewpoint = 13.8°C Average barometer = 1019.3 mb Average windspeed = 1.5 mph Average gustspeed = 3.3 mph Average direction = 324° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 0.3 mm Rainfall for year = 325.8 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 02 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 24.0°C on day 02 at time 15:33 Minimum temperature = 13.9°C on day 02 at time 04:47 Maximum humidity = 97% on day 02 at time 02:47 Minimum humidity = 51% on day 02 at time 16:38 Maximum dewpoint = 15.0°C on day 02 at time 09:41 Minimum dewpoint = 12.4°C on day 02 at time 16:48 Maximum pressure = 1020.0 mb on day 02 at time 23:57 Minimum pressure = 1018.5 mb on day 02 at time 18:42 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 02 at time 17:48 Maximum gust speed = 13 mph from 049 °( NE) on day 02 at time 17:43 Daily wind run = 035.1miles Maximum heat index = 25.4°C on day 02 at time 15:33 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :2 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :03 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 19.4°C Average humidity = 70% Average dewpoint = 13.1°C Average barometer = 1019.0 mb Average windspeed = 0.8 mph Average gustspeed = 1.8 mph Average direction = 288° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 0.5 mm Rainfall for year = 326.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.3 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 03 at time 22:24 Maximum temperature = 26.4°C on day 03 at time 18:30 Minimum temperature = 11.4°C on day 03 at time 04:58 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 03 at time 06:29 Minimum humidity = 40% on day 03 at time 18:43 Maximum dewpoint = 15.6°C on day 03 at time 23:35 Minimum dewpoint = 10.5°C on day 03 at time 4:58 Maximum pressure = 1020.5 mb on day 03 at time 09:17 Minimum pressure = 1016.9 mb on day 03 at time 20:07 Maximum windspeed = 3 mph on day 03 at time 21:01 Maximum gust speed = 7 mph from 219 °( SW) on day 03 at time 19:48 Daily wind run = 018.1miles Maximum heat index = 26.5°C on day 03 at time 18:30 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :3 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :04 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 15.6°C Average humidity = 89% Average dewpoint = 13.7°C Average barometer = 1017.0 mb Average windspeed = 1.6 mph Average gustspeed = 3.8 mph Average direction = 108° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 0.5 mm Rainfall for year = 326.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 04 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 19.1°C on day 04 at time 15:56 Minimum temperature = 12.4°C on day 04 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 04 at time 06:56 Minimum humidity = 71% on day 04 at time 15:51 Maximum dewpoint = 15.3°C on day 04 at time 00:00 Minimum dewpoint = 11.6°C on day 04 at time 23:59 Maximum pressure = 1017.7 mb on day 04 at time 00:42 Minimum pressure = 1016.2 mb on day 04 at time 16:58 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 04 at time 15:32 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 070 °(ENE) on day 04 at time 19:42 Daily wind run = 039.4miles Maximum heat index = 19.1°C on day 04 at time 15:56 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :4 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :05 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 13.3°C Average humidity = 86% Average dewpoint = 10.8°C Average barometer = 1017.5 mb Average windspeed = 1.7 mph Average gustspeed = 4.2 mph Average direction = 95° ( E ) Rainfall for month = 0.8 mm Rainfall for year = 326.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.3 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 05 at time 11:13 Maximum temperature = 18.3°C on day 05 at time 16:47 Minimum temperature = 10.6°C on day 05 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 05 at time 08:11 Minimum humidity = 65% on day 05 at time 16:50 Maximum dewpoint = 12.5°C on day 05 at time 16:35 Minimum dewpoint = 8.5°C on day 05 at time 23:58 Maximum pressure = 1018.5 mb on day 05 at time 10:04 Minimum pressure = 1016.4 mb on day 05 at time 18:39 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 05 at time 17:54 Maximum gust speed = 13 mph from 123 °(ESE) on day 05 at time 16:56 Daily wind run = 040.1miles Maximum heat index = 18.3°C on day 05 at time 16:47 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :5 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :06 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 15.1°C Average humidity = 73% Average dewpoint = 9.7°C Average barometer = 1016.4 mb Average windspeed = 1.6 mph Average gustspeed = 3.8 mph Average direction = 98° ( E ) Rainfall for month = 0.8 mm Rainfall for year = 326.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 06 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 22.5°C on day 06 at time 17:11 Minimum temperature = 7.4°C on day 06 at time 05:14 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 06 at time 05:44 Minimum humidity = 49% on day 06 at time 15:31 Maximum dewpoint = 12.6°C on day 06 at time 20:24 Minimum dewpoint = 6.6°C on day 06 at time 5:11 Maximum pressure = 1017.7 mb on day 06 at time 00:04 Minimum pressure = 1015.1 mb on day 06 at time 17:45 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 06 at time 16:58 Maximum gust speed = 13 mph from 049 °( NE) on day 06 at time 16:57 Daily wind run = 038.2miles Maximum heat index = 25.1°C on day 06 at time 14:12 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :6 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :07 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 15.5°C Average humidity = 81% Average dewpoint = 12.3°C Average barometer = 1017.2 mb Average windspeed = 1.0 mph Average gustspeed = 2.8 mph Average direction = 103° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.8 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 07 at time 15:10 Maximum temperature = 19.3°C on day 07 at time 19:15 Minimum temperature = 12.1°C on day 07 at time 03:32 Maximum humidity = 87% on day 07 at time 15:24 Minimum humidity = 71% on day 07 at time 13:29 Maximum dewpoint = 15.6°C on day 07 at time 15:47 Minimum dewpoint = 9.7°C on day 07 at time 6:27 Maximum pressure = 1018.2 mb on day 07 at time 23:41 Minimum pressure = 1016.2 mb on day 07 at time 02:51 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 07 at time 13:26 Maximum gust speed = 10 mph from 195 °(SSW) on day 07 at time 13:25 Daily wind run = 023.7miles Maximum heat index = 19.3°C on day 07 at time 19:15 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :7 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :08 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 17.1°C Average humidity = 75% Average dewpoint = 12.5°C Average barometer = 1017.7 mb Average windspeed = 1.2 mph Average gustspeed = 3.0 mph Average direction = 118° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 08 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 21.7°C on day 08 at time 16:35 Minimum temperature = 13.2°C on day 08 at time 05:07 Maximum humidity = 90% on day 08 at time 05:25 Minimum humidity = 60% on day 08 at time 16:38 Maximum dewpoint = 14.5°C on day 08 at time 15:18 Minimum dewpoint = 10.4°C on day 08 at time 8:31 Maximum pressure = 1019.0 mb on day 08 at time 09:11 Minimum pressure = 1016.4 mb on day 08 at time 18:17 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 08 at time 13:36 Maximum gust speed = 10 mph from 052 °( NE) on day 08 at time 13:21 Daily wind run = 029.8miles Maximum heat index = 24.4°C on day 08 at time 16:38 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :8 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :09 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 16.1°C Average humidity = 80% Average dewpoint = 12.4°C Average barometer = 1016.7 mb Average windspeed = 1.0 mph Average gustspeed = 2.6 mph Average direction = 114° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 09 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 20.8°C on day 09 at time 16:50 Minimum temperature = 11.7°C on day 09 at time 02:09 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 09 at time 02:22 Minimum humidity = 60% on day 09 at time 13:10 Maximum dewpoint = 14.6°C on day 09 at time 19:44 Minimum dewpoint = 10.3°C on day 09 at time 2:00 Maximum pressure = 1017.9 mb on day 09 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 1015.2 mb on day 09 at time 17:01 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 09 at time 09:50 Maximum gust speed = 10 mph from 333 °(NNW) on day 09 at time 08:03 Daily wind run = 023.4miles Maximum heat index = 24.4°C on day 09 at time 13:10 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :9 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :10 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 17.7°C Average humidity = 79% Average dewpoint = 13.7°C Average barometer = 1015.4 mb Average windspeed = 1.3 mph Average gustspeed = 3.0 mph Average direction = 136° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 10 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 23.6°C on day 10 at time 16:39 Minimum temperature = 12.6°C on day 10 at time 04:10 Maximum humidity = 95% on day 10 at time 05:32 Minimum humidity = 58% on day 10 at time 16:09 Maximum dewpoint = 15.8°C on day 10 at time 18:00 Minimum dewpoint = 11.5°C on day 10 at time 3:49 Maximum pressure = 1016.5 mb on day 10 at time 00:00 Minimum pressure = 1014.0 mb on day 10 at time 18:42 Maximum windspeed = 7 mph on day 10 at time 12:54 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 095 °( E ) on day 10 at time 12:52 Daily wind run = 031.8miles Maximum heat index = 25.1°C on day 10 at time 16:39 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :10 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :11 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 18.0°C Average humidity = 67% Average dewpoint = 10.9°C Average barometer = 1014.5 mb Average windspeed = 1.6 mph Average gustspeed = 3.6 mph Average direction = 141° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 11 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 24.9°C on day 11 at time 18:09 Minimum temperature = 11.3°C on day 11 at time 05:12 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 11 at time 06:19 Minimum humidity = 38% on day 11 at time 17:02 Maximum dewpoint = 13.2°C on day 11 at time 00:07 Minimum dewpoint = 9.0°C on day 11 at time 16:01 Maximum pressure = 1015.8 mb on day 11 at time 00:11 Minimum pressure = 1012.9 mb on day 11 at time 17:08 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 11 at time 13:53 Maximum gust speed = 13 mph from 113 °(ESE) on day 11 at time 13:52 Daily wind run = 037.5miles Maximum heat index = 25.7°C on day 11 at time 18:08 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :11 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :12 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 14.9°C Average humidity = 76% Average dewpoint = 10.7°C Average barometer = 1017.4 mb Average windspeed = 1.3 mph Average gustspeed = 3.0 mph Average direction = 99° ( E ) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 12 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 18.5°C on day 12 at time 13:00 Minimum temperature = 10.6°C on day 12 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 89% on day 12 at time 06:13 Minimum humidity = 66% on day 12 at time 18:12 Maximum dewpoint = 13.1°C on day 12 at time 15:20 Minimum dewpoint = 8.0°C on day 12 at time 23:41 Maximum pressure = 1020.9 mb on day 12 at time 23:51 Minimum pressure = 1014.7 mb on day 12 at time 01:01 Maximum windspeed = 7 mph on day 12 at time 12:01 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 125 °( SE) on day 12 at time 13:11 Daily wind run = 030.1miles Maximum heat index = 18.5°C on day 12 at time 13:00 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :12 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :13 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 15.2°C Average humidity = 72% Average dewpoint = 9.7°C Average barometer = 1019.2 mb Average windspeed = 1.7 mph Average gustspeed = 3.5 mph Average direction = 281° ( W ) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 13 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 21.2°C on day 13 at time 14:21 Minimum temperature = 7.6°C on day 13 at time 05:36 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 13 at time 06:30 Minimum humidity = 52% on day 13 at time 16:23 Maximum dewpoint = 12.2°C on day 13 at time 14:57 Minimum dewpoint = 6.4°C on day 13 at time 5:36 Maximum pressure = 1021.1 mb on day 13 at time 00:54 Minimum pressure = 1015.7 mb on day 13 at time 23:52 Maximum windspeed = 7 mph on day 13 at time 17:32 Maximum gust speed = 14 mph from 300 °(WNW) on day 13 at time 17:30 Daily wind run = 041.5miles Maximum heat index = 25.1°C on day 13 at time 16:22 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :13 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :14 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 16.5°C Average humidity = 76% Average dewpoint = 12.0°C Average barometer = 1013.2 mb Average windspeed = 2.9 mph Average gustspeed = 6.1 mph Average direction = 313° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 14 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 22.0°C on day 14 at time 16:43 Minimum temperature = 13.0°C on day 14 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 94% on day 14 at time 09:04 Minimum humidity = 51% on day 14 at time 16:47 Maximum dewpoint = 15.0°C on day 14 at time 12:06 Minimum dewpoint = 10.0°C on day 14 at time 23:54 Maximum pressure = 1017.2 mb on day 14 at time 23:33 Minimum pressure = 1010.5 mb on day 14 at time 09:42 Maximum windspeed = 7 mph on day 14 at time 13:30 Maximum gust speed = 18 mph from 023 °(NNE) on day 14 at time 08:29 Daily wind run = 070.6miles Maximum heat index = 24.9°C on day 14 at time 16:43 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :14 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :15 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 15.9°C Average humidity = 68% Average dewpoint = 9.4°C Average barometer = 1017.3 mb Average windspeed = 1.1 mph Average gustspeed = 2.5 mph Average direction = 338° (NNW) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 15 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 21.7°C on day 15 at time 13:42 Minimum temperature = 9.2°C on day 15 at time 05:21 Maximum humidity = 95% on day 15 at time 06:08 Minimum humidity = 44% on day 15 at time 15:35 Maximum dewpoint = 11.3°C on day 15 at time 08:13 Minimum dewpoint = 8.0°C on day 15 at time 15:35 Maximum pressure = 1018.4 mb on day 15 at time 07:57 Minimum pressure = 1016.5 mb on day 15 at time 17:40 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 15 at time 17:36 Maximum gust speed = 10 mph from 317 °( NW) on day 15 at time 13:13 Daily wind run = 027.5miles Maximum heat index = 25.3°C on day 15 at time 17:37 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :15 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :16 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 14.8°C Average humidity = 75% Average dewpoint = 10.3°C Average barometer = 1015.3 mb Average windspeed = 1.8 mph Average gustspeed = 3.9 mph Average direction = 299° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 1.5 mm Rainfall for year = 327.0 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 16 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 18.2°C on day 16 at time 12:16 Minimum temperature = 12.3°C on day 16 at time 04:22 Maximum humidity = 84% on day 16 at time 16:51 Minimum humidity = 62% on day 16 at time 13:20 Maximum dewpoint = 13.0°C on day 16 at time 18:29 Minimum dewpoint = 8.6°C on day 16 at time 21:51 Maximum pressure = 1016.9 mb on day 16 at time 00:37 Minimum pressure = 1013.8 mb on day 16 at time 18:33 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 16 at time 17:53 Maximum gust speed = 14 mph from 302 °(WNW) on day 16 at time 17:52 Daily wind run = 043.6miles Maximum heat index = 18.2°C on day 16 at time 12:16 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :16 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :17 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 14.2°C Average humidity = 83% Average dewpoint = 11.3°C Average barometer = 1017.3 mb Average windspeed = 2.2 mph Average gustspeed = 4.7 mph Average direction = 303° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 2.0 mm Rainfall for year = 327.5 mm Rainfall for day = 0.5 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 17 at time 08:34 Maximum temperature = 17.5°C on day 17 at time 12:44 Minimum temperature = 11.9°C on day 17 at time 07:29 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 17 at time 23:59 Minimum humidity = 66% on day 17 at time 13:07 Maximum dewpoint = 13.8°C on day 17 at time 23:59 Minimum dewpoint = 9.0°C on day 17 at time 0:03 Maximum pressure = 1018.2 mb on day 17 at time 22:53 Minimum pressure = 1015.7 mb on day 17 at time 00:07 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 17 at time 19:21 Maximum gust speed = 14 mph from 294 °(WNW) on day 17 at time 09:11 Daily wind run = 053.5miles Maximum heat index = 17.5°C on day 17 at time 12:44 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :17 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :18 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 17.7°C Average humidity = 81% Average dewpoint = 14.0°C Average barometer = 1020.0 mb Average windspeed = 2.5 mph Average gustspeed = 5.3 mph Average direction = 319° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.8 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 18 at time 09:56 Maximum temperature = 23.9°C on day 18 at time 14:48 Minimum temperature = 13.2°C on day 18 at time 07:04 Maximum humidity = 97% on day 18 at time 07:33 Minimum humidity = 52% on day 18 at time 13:43 Maximum dewpoint = 15.6°C on day 18 at time 17:16 Minimum dewpoint = 12.2°C on day 18 at time 13:05 Maximum pressure = 1022.2 mb on day 18 at time 22:52 Minimum pressure = 1017.6 mb on day 18 at time 01:20 Maximum windspeed = 7 mph on day 18 at time 18:13 Maximum gust speed = 18 mph from 328 °(NNW) on day 18 at time 15:36 Daily wind run = 061.2miles Maximum heat index = 25.3°C on day 18 at time 14:49 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :18 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :19 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 19.0°C Average humidity = 82% Average dewpoint = 15.8°C Average barometer = 1023.5 mb Average windspeed = 2.1 mph Average gustspeed = 4.4 mph Average direction = 310° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 19 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 23.2°C on day 19 at time 17:51 Minimum temperature = 15.6°C on day 19 at time 23:59 Maximum humidity = 96% on day 19 at time 06:05 Minimum humidity = 69% on day 19 at time 13:27 Maximum dewpoint = 17.8°C on day 19 at time 17:45 Minimum dewpoint = 14.4°C on day 19 at time 23:55 Maximum pressure = 1024.5 mb on day 19 at time 12:16 Minimum pressure = 1021.8 mb on day 19 at time 00:24 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 19 at time 18:16 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 254 °(WSW) on day 19 at time 18:47 Daily wind run = 049.2miles Maximum heat index = 24.3°C on day 19 at time 17:51 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :19 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :20 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 17.6°C Average humidity = 85% Average dewpoint = 15.0°C Average barometer = 1021.3 mb Average windspeed = 2.1 mph Average gustspeed = 4.3 mph Average direction = 313° ( NW) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 20 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 23.4°C on day 20 at time 16:45 Minimum temperature = 14.1°C on day 20 at time 02:32 Maximum humidity = 98% on day 20 at time 07:41 Minimum humidity = 66% on day 20 at time 16:45 Maximum dewpoint = 17.4°C on day 20 at time 14:32 Minimum dewpoint = 9.1°C on day 20 at time 23:59 Maximum pressure = 1023.4 mb on day 20 at time 00:02 Minimum pressure = 1019.5 mb on day 20 at time 17:59 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 20 at time 20:11 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 300 °(WNW) on day 20 at time 23:21 Daily wind run = 050.0miles Maximum heat index = 24.7°C on day 20 at time 16:45 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :20 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :21 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 14.7°C Average humidity = 58% Average dewpoint = 5.9°C Average barometer = 1026.5 mb Average windspeed = 2.4 mph Average gustspeed = 5.0 mph Average direction = 27° (NNE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 21 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 20.1°C on day 21 at time 17:50 Minimum temperature = 9.5°C on day 21 at time 05:12 Maximum humidity = 82% on day 21 at time 05:49 Minimum humidity = 36% on day 21 at time 17:56 Maximum dewpoint = 9.1°C on day 21 at time 00:00 Minimum dewpoint = 3.9°C on day 21 at time 18:55 Maximum pressure = 1030.9 mb on day 21 at time 23:57 Minimum pressure = 1021.7 mb on day 21 at time 00:00 Maximum windspeed = 8 mph on day 21 at time 07:51 Maximum gust speed = 18 mph from 044 °( NE) on day 21 at time 12:32 Daily wind run = 056.9miles Maximum heat index = 25.1°C on day 21 at time 17:48 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :21 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :22 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 15.5°C Average humidity = 61% Average dewpoint = 7.4°C Average barometer = 1031.2 mb Average windspeed = 1.0 mph Average gustspeed = 2.6 mph Average direction = 56° ( NE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 22 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 22.2°C on day 22 at time 18:25 Minimum temperature = 7.5°C on day 22 at time 05:15 Maximum humidity = 88% on day 22 at time 06:11 Minimum humidity = 38% on day 22 at time 16:41 Maximum dewpoint = 9.7°C on day 22 at time 10:26 Minimum dewpoint = 5.2°C on day 22 at time 0:31 Maximum pressure = 1032.3 mb on day 22 at time 08:50 Minimum pressure = 1030.3 mb on day 22 at time 20:20 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 22 at time 14:42 Maximum gust speed = 9 mph from 040 °( NE) on day 22 at time 18:25 Daily wind run = 024.9miles Maximum heat index = 25.3°C on day 22 at time 14:03 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :22 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :23 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 17.2°C Average humidity = 60% Average dewpoint = 8.5°C Average barometer = 1029.1 mb Average windspeed = 1.2 mph Average gustspeed = 2.7 mph Average direction = 4° ( N ) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 23 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 22.8°C on day 23 at time 15:45 Minimum temperature = 10.2°C on day 23 at time 06:00 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 23 at time 05:07 Minimum humidity = 37% on day 23 at time 18:16 Maximum dewpoint = 10.1°C on day 23 at time 07:18 Minimum dewpoint = 4.2°C on day 23 at time 9:53 Maximum pressure = 1031.0 mb on day 23 at time 07:28 Minimum pressure = 1026.6 mb on day 23 at time 18:58 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 23 at time 11:25 Maximum gust speed = 13 mph from 359 °( N ) on day 23 at time 13:12 Daily wind run = 027.9miles Maximum heat index = 25.3°C on day 23 at time 10:57 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :23 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :24 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 19.1°C Average humidity = 50% Average dewpoint = 7.7°C Average barometer = 1026.0 mb Average windspeed = 0.9 mph Average gustspeed = 2.2 mph Average direction = 112° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 24 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 25.6°C on day 24 at time 18:59 Minimum temperature = 12.8°C on day 24 at time 05:12 Maximum humidity = 71% on day 24 at time 02:02 Minimum humidity = 29% on day 24 at time 17:09 Maximum dewpoint = 12.5°C on day 24 at time 20:14 Minimum dewpoint = 4.1°C on day 24 at time 11:35 Maximum pressure = 1026.9 mb on day 24 at time 00:38 Minimum pressure = 1024.5 mb on day 24 at time 19:19 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 24 at time 20:28 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 179 °( S ) on day 24 at time 17:54 Daily wind run = 020.6miles Maximum heat index = 25.7°C on day 24 at time 18:57 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :24 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :25 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 21.4°C Average humidity = 53% Average dewpoint = 10.2°C Average barometer = 1026.4 mb Average windspeed = 0.9 mph Average gustspeed = 2.2 mph Average direction = 288° (WNW) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 25 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 29.2°C on day 25 at time 17:08 Minimum temperature = 12.5°C on day 25 at time 04:11 Maximum humidity = 80% on day 25 at time 03:22 Minimum humidity = 27% on day 25 at time 16:41 Maximum dewpoint = 13.6°C on day 25 at time 20:40 Minimum dewpoint = 7.7°C on day 25 at time 16:41 Maximum pressure = 1027.1 mb on day 25 at time 10:29 Minimum pressure = 1025.3 mb on day 25 at time 18:30 Maximum windspeed = 5 mph on day 25 at time 17:17 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 133 °( SE) on day 25 at time 15:49 Daily wind run = 020.8miles Maximum heat index = 28.0°C on day 25 at time 17:10 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :25 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :26 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 21.5°C Average humidity = 55% Average dewpoint = 11.1°C Average barometer = 1026.4 mb Average windspeed = 1.3 mph Average gustspeed = 2.7 mph Average direction = 178° ( S ) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 26 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 28.9°C on day 26 at time 15:13 Minimum temperature = 12.9°C on day 26 at time 05:02 Maximum humidity = 86% on day 26 at time 05:08 Minimum humidity = 29% on day 26 at time 15:04 Maximum dewpoint = 13.8°C on day 26 at time 10:45 Minimum dewpoint = 7.4°C on day 26 at time 22:45 Maximum pressure = 1027.6 mb on day 26 at time 08:49 Minimum pressure = 1025.3 mb on day 26 at time 17:29 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 26 at time 14:17 Maximum gust speed = 12 mph from 144 °( SE) on day 26 at time 17:31 Daily wind run = 030.1miles Maximum heat index = 27.9°C on day 26 at time 15:57 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :26 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :27 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 19.1°C Average humidity = 64% Average dewpoint = 11.5°C Average barometer = 1026.1 mb Average windspeed = 1.7 mph Average gustspeed = 3.9 mph Average direction = 130° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 27 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 27.6°C on day 27 at time 17:41 Minimum temperature = 10.8°C on day 27 at time 04:31 Maximum humidity = 91% on day 27 at time 06:18 Minimum humidity = 38% on day 27 at time 17:46 Maximum dewpoint = 13.5°C on day 27 at time 20:36 Minimum dewpoint = 8.0°C on day 27 at time 0:06 Maximum pressure = 1027.2 mb on day 27 at time 09:29 Minimum pressure = 1024.1 mb on day 27 at time 19:07 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 27 at time 14:47 Maximum gust speed = 13 mph from 165 °(SSE) on day 27 at time 14:01 Daily wind run = 039.6miles Maximum heat index = 27.3°C on day 27 at time 17:41 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :27 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :28 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 18.5°C Average humidity = 71% Average dewpoint = 12.7°C Average barometer = 1025.0 mb Average windspeed = 2.0 mph Average gustspeed = 4.6 mph Average direction = 115° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 28 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 27.8°C on day 28 at time 17:33 Minimum temperature = 11.5°C on day 28 at time 04:44 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 28 at time 06:42 Minimum humidity = 43% on day 28 at time 17:39 Maximum dewpoint = 15.6°C on day 28 at time 13:15 Minimum dewpoint = 9.9°C on day 28 at time 4:08 Maximum pressure = 1026.8 mb on day 28 at time 09:47 Minimum pressure = 1022.6 mb on day 28 at time 18:23 Maximum windspeed = 7 mph on day 28 at time 17:54 Maximum gust speed = 14 mph from 128 °( SE) on day 28 at time 18:58 Daily wind run = 048.2miles Maximum heat index = 27.8°C on day 28 at time 17:33 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :28 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :29 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 20.1°C Average humidity = 64% Average dewpoint = 12.3°C Average barometer = 1022.1 mb Average windspeed = 2.4 mph Average gustspeed = 5.3 mph Average direction = 110° (ESE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 29 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 27.7°C on day 29 at time 18:02 Minimum temperature = 12.3°C on day 29 at time 06:04 Maximum humidity = 93% on day 29 at time 06:19 Minimum humidity = 33% on day 29 at time 18:45 Maximum dewpoint = 13.9°C on day 29 at time 11:31 Minimum dewpoint = 9.4°C on day 29 at time 18:45 Maximum pressure = 1024.5 mb on day 29 at time 00:53 Minimum pressure = 1019.0 mb on day 29 at time 19:19 Maximum windspeed = 6 mph on day 29 at time 19:26 Maximum gust speed = 15 mph from 092 °( E ) on day 29 at time 11:12 Daily wind run = 057.2miles Maximum heat index = 27.2°C on day 29 at time 16:45 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :29 :6 :2018
Averages\Extremes for day :30 ------------------------------------------------------------ Average temperature = 19.4°C Average humidity = 63% Average dewpoint = 11.4°C Average barometer = 1016.9 mb Average windspeed = 2.3 mph Average gustspeed = 5.1 mph Average direction = 133° ( SE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Rainfall for day = 0.0 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.0 mm on day 30 at time 23:59 Maximum temperature = 27.7°C on day 30 at time 15:50 Minimum temperature = 11.7°C on day 30 at time 03:53 Maximum humidity = 92% on day 30 at time 03:45 Minimum humidity = 37% on day 30 at time 15:27 Maximum dewpoint = 13.9°C on day 30 at time 18:00 Minimum dewpoint = 8.5°C on day 30 at time 23:03 Maximum pressure = 1020.0 mb on day 30 at time 00:09 Minimum pressure = 1014.5 mb on day 30 at time 17:57 Maximum windspeed = 7 mph on day 30 at time 15:27 Maximum gust speed = 16 mph from 052 °( NE) on day 30 at time 04:55 Daily wind run = 055.6miles Maximum heat index = 27.3°C on day 30 at time 15:58 Click here for todays 24 hour graph :30 :6 :2018
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Averages\Extremes for the month of June 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average temperature = 17.2°C Average humidity = 72% Average dewpoint = 11.5°C Average barometer = 1020.3 mb Average windspeed = 1.6 mph Average gustspeed = 3.6 mph Average direction = 46° ( NE) Rainfall for month = 2.8 mm Rainfall for year = 328.3 mm Maximum rain per minute = 0.3 mm on day 18 at time 09:56 Maximum temperature = 29.2°C on day 25 at time 17:08 Minimum temperature = 7.4°C on day 06 at time 05:14 Maximum humidity = 98% on day 20 at time 07:41 Minimum humidity = 27% on day 25 at time 16:41 Maximum dewpoint = 17.8°C on day 19 at time 17:45 Minimum dewpoint = 3.9°C on day 21 at time 18:55 Maximum pressure = 1032.3 mb on day 22 at time 08:50 Minimum pressure = 1010.5 mb on day 14 at time 09:42 Maximum windspeed = 8 mph from 044°( NE) on day 21 at time 07:51 Maximum gust speed = 18 mph from 338°(NNW) on day 21 at time 12:32 Maximum heat index = 28.0°C on day 25 at time 17:10 Avg daily max temp :23.1°C Avg daily min temp :11.7°C Growing degrees days :225.3 GDD Corn growing degrees days :768.1 GDD Total windrun = 1149.3miles ----------------------------------- Daily rain totals ----------------------------------- 00.3 mm on day 1 00.3 mm on day 3 00.3 mm on day 5 00.8 mm on day 7 00.5 mm on day 17 00.8 mm on day 18